FAQs for ATOM Home Fiber

Application Process
Where can I buy ATOM Home Fiber internet?
You can buy ATOM Home Fiber internet service through online. Before buying ,you have to register through broadband.atom.com.mm.
Why I need to check service availability at my location?
Checking service availability is required to know that Fiber internet service is available at your location or not.
How can I check service availability?

You can check it here https://broadband.atom.com.mm/check-coverage by pointing the exact location in map.

What are the available payment method for ordering service installation?

Customer can pay through 1-2-3 service:

  1. Paying at any 1-2-3 service counter and presenting the payment code
  2. Mobile Banking/ ibanking
  3. Web pay For more details, visit https://bit.ly/ATOMPayGuide
Can I cancel my order?
You can't cancel your order after payment process is done.
Document Verification
What will happen if my upload document is not correct?
You will receive the SMS/email when your upload document is not consistent with your detail information and the service will be stopped until you upload the correct one
If I receive SMS of document rejected , what should I do?
You need to upload the correct document again
How long do I need to wait for installation after order submission?
Customers will be contacted within 2 business days for installation appointment once payment is done for submitted order.
Is ATOM Broadband service available during power outage?
ATOM Broadband has a local power back up that guarantees that the service can be delivered during a power outage of up to 8 hours. (Getting power for router, that creates wifi, is customers' responsibility to enable wireless services to work)
How different is your fiber broadband from the wifi I'm using?
Very, ATOM Broadband has a dedicated speed only for you and you can connect a cable in your outlet/router to guarantee the best speed. In your own wifi you will also be able to decide the amount of users on your connection. The router is also much closer to you which is important as all walls and distance has a negative impact on the quality of the service.
As future proof, how does ATOM Broadband guarantee for high quality and service?
ATOM Broadband will be installed with a fiber connection that can handle speeds up to 1 Gigabit. This means that Quality and Speed guarantees ability for gaming, watching streamed TV/movies..
Is ATOM Home Fiber Internet service is Prepaid or Postpaid subscription?
ATOM Home Fiber Internet service is Prepaid subscription for now.
In which kind of situation, my subscription will be suspended or terminated?
If you don't make bill payment till your pay due date, your subscription will be suspended. Your subscription will be terminated automatically if your subscription suspended period is 60 days long. And customer shall be responsible for returning the routers and equipment installed for ATOM Power Fiber in good working condition as at the date of installation.
What should I need to do if want to reactivate service back?

Reactivation will be only available for the customer who are less than 60 days suspension period.

For reactivation request, there will two options.

Option 1: Please go to your profile page from this link Profile , choose your order ID and submit reactivation request.

Option 2: Please contact to ATOM Broadband Call Center and ask to make reactivation by providing your CustomerID.

Billing & Payment
How long does it takes to reopen internet line for suspended customers after payment?
Your line will be reopened within 4 working hours in the same day.
Speed & Usage
How is network stability?
The network is very stable and the speed to the router will always be the same, you can connect many users to the router but more users will affect the experience for each user.
Is ATOM Fiber Internet service unlimited?
Yes, you may use as much data as you want but you are not allowed to share or resell the service.
How much can surf with ATOM Broadband?

�Can surf as much as you want�

  1. With ATOM Broadband you can surf as much as you like in the speed that you have chosen for your service.
  2. All customers get a Wifi router that enables customers to do mobile surfing as well as fixed surfing using a cable to a computer or other device.
Can several users simultaneously use?
Yes, ATOM Broadband services are offered in different speeds and different prices. For different price plans of services � will have different ability for number of people that can use service.
Can customers upgrade or downgrade speed?
Customer can upgrade speed while renewing for next subscription and are allowed to downgrade speed only after 90 days.
Is there compensation if downtime is very long? What will you do for us when your network is down for a very long period?
If network is down for a long time (longer then a week) there will be a compensation for paying customer.